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prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

"If you're saying that you're not racist, then what are you doing to dismantle racism? Because you can benefit from racism and not be a racist person. But you can definitely do something also."—Munroe Bergdorf

There has been recent controversy surrounding transgender model Munroe Bergdorf. Shortly after being hired by L'Oréal Paris UK, making her the first transgender model to be featured by them, she was let go because of comments exposing racism in the industry. The post is now deleted, but here is a snippet of what she had said:

"Honestly, I don’t energy to talk about the racial violence of White people anymore. Yes ALL white people. Because most of ya’ll don’t even realize or refuse to acknowledge that your existence, privilege and success as a race is built on the backs, blood and death of people of color." —Munroe Bergdorf

To sum up everything else she had said, she voiced out the fact that racism is learned; that it's inherited and consciously/unconsciously passed down through privilege. And that once white people come to terms with that and their destructive ways then we can have a conversation on it [racism]. She recently has done an interview with Channel 4 News explaining her split with L'Oréal and racism as a whole.


Now I personally didn't know of Munroe Bergdorf until this issue, but I'm definitely disappointed in L'Oréal. Them being one of the biggest name brands owning makeup, hair, and clothing of all tones, textures, and sizes. If anything, their True Match foundation and Lancome Tient Idol Ultra foundations are some of my favorite foundations of all time. Also, I find it funny that when she, an African American transgender, decides to speak on something that is actually controversial, she's let go; but the amount of white influencers in the makeup community say something ignorant (i.e James Charles, Jeffree Star, etc) everyone turns a blind eye and their endorsers are still by their side.

This was L'Oréal's statement in regards to letting Munroe go:

"L’Oréal supports diversity and tolerance towards all people irrespective of their race, background, gender and religion.The L’Oréal Paris True Match campaign is a representation of these values and we are proud of the diversity of the Ambassadors who represent this campaign." L’Oréal

and then continued to tweet:

"We believe that the recent comments by L’Oréal Paris UK Spokesperson Munroe Bergdorf are at odds with those values, and as such we have taken the decision to end the partnership with her. L’Oréal Paris remains committed to the True Match campaign and breaking down barriers in beauty." —L’Oréal

For a brand that says that they are for diversity and equality, they sure do know how to contradict themselves. It's no surprise that the beauty industry is very one-sided in terms of products. It's hard to find a good brand that caters to all complexions. And if I wanted to broaden the topic, this country really doesn't cater to all complexions either. To be blunt, people of color have a way tougher time prospering in America than a white person. There's no two ways about it. With the protest and tragedy in Charlottesville, it's pretty obvious. So for someone like Munroe to speak on the apparent racism in America and how it is indeed systemic and for L'Oréal to not only condemn her but completely remove her as an ambassador, I'm disgusted.

Now people have brought up the discussion of boycotting L'Oréal and it's quite surprising how many brands they own to be honest:

Would you be able to boycott L'Oréal? Like I said earlier, the True Match and Lancome foundation are my favorite foundations ever. Plus, I just joined the NYX lingerie bandwagon. So for all of this to blow up now I'm filled with mixed emotions. At the end of the day though, regardless of my love for their foundations and lippies, I stand strongly with Munroe. She had and still has every right to voice her factual opinion and should not lose an ambassador opportunity because of it. While other problematic influencers such as Jeffree Star and James Charles say ignorant and at times racist things but don't get any consequences whatsoever.

I hope that Munroe Bergdorf stays true to herself and continues to be great. As for L'Oréal? Do better.

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